The Central Council of Indian Medicine's Regulation permitting Ayurved Doctors to carry out Dental Procedures challanged before the Hon'ble Supreme Court by Dr. Vivek Kumar.
The Central Council for Indian Medicine has brought an Amendment in the year 2020, by which Ayurveda Doctors have been permitted to carryout Dental procedures. Before the Regulation such procedures could only be carried out by the Dentists. Dr. Vivek Kumar who happens to be the Executive Committee Member of the Dental Council of India. President of the Jharkhand State Dental Council and Secretary of the Indian Dental Association, Jharkhand Branch in order to protect the rights of the Dentists across the Country has approached the Hon'ble Supreme Court by intervening in the matter wherein the Regulations were challanged.
Dr. Vivek Kumar in his Petition has put forward the fact that for carrying out Dental Procedures a Dentist is required to undergo training and studies for a period of 5 years, however through the Regulation the Ayurveda Doctor can perform such procedures without much training. Permitting Ayurveda Doctors to carryout the such procedures may have disastrous effect on the health of the patients.